Individual Therapy
For anxiety, life transitions, and relationship troubles in New York City
Counseling Works NYC provides support for relationship troubles and big life transitions, as well as EMDR Therapy. Click to learn more.

Therapy for Relational Challenges
People Pleasing Works, Until it Doesn’t...
People pleasing, while it may temporarily alleviate anxiety or feel like the right thing to do in the moment, but it just doesn’t work. Although this probably isn’t earth shattering to you, I think it bears repeating. It’s easy to forget in the moment and feel like you owe it to someone to go the ‘extra mile’, especially if you’ve been doing it your whole life.
Why doesn’t this work?
For one, it sends the wrong message to people who are prone to taking advantage. And, over time it creates frustration, resentment, and usually leads to overworking yourself, which then leads to anxiety about all the things you now have on your plate. It’s no wonder people pleasers often feel anxious, guilty, and like something’s amiss while struggling to connect with the people around them.

So what’s the solution?
There is a way to stop putting your needs second to everyone else’s without sacrificing your values or personal integrity. You can be nice while also having clear and firm boundaries, especially with the people who matter to you the most. By guiding you to understand how you developed this habit and why it’s still happening, we’ll figure out how to counteract it in a way that you can feel good about, and even proud of.

Therapy for Big Life Transitions
Switching careers or jobs, getting divorced or separating, coming out, or moving to a new city - any of these big life transitions are bound to cause some stress and anxiety for even the most ‘zenned out’ individual. If you happen to be on the more ‘anxious’ side, these transitions may be even harder, not because you can’t handle them but because stress on top of anxiety just makes things harder.
It’s not uncommon to find yourself feeling overwhelmed, shutting down or struggling to get things done. This doesn’t mean that there is nothing that can be done, or that you just have to ‘power’ through it.

Relief is possible
Regardless of what you’re going through or why, getting relief is possible. By exploring your story/situation in a methodical and thoughtful way, you’ll be able to slow down your thought process and gain clarity during this time of transition. Not only will a sense of clarity make you feel better, it will enable you to shift your focus to the change that is happening in front of you.
Getting Started
It starts with a quick 15 - 20 minute phone call (free of charge) to determine if we would work well together. If so, we’ll book an appointment.
In our first meeting I’ll ask you all about your background so we can get a solid understanding of what brought you here today.
We’ll start working at it together!