All About Therapy
What Kind of Therapy do I Need?
Finding a therapist shouldn’t be rocket science. There are a few things to consider when looking for someone you can trust with your mind, and it starts with your preferences.
What is People Pleasing?
Maybe you already know what people pleasing is, but you’re not sure why it happens or how to stop it. Or maybe you have a friend or a family member who is constantly apologizing or exhausted by their never-ending obligations.
On Wounded Healers
Have you ever wondered why so many people choose to dedicate their lives to helping others heal? When it comes to therapists, is there truth to the saying that they often have issues themselves?
Are Therapists Covered by Insurance?
Can you use insurance for therapy? Here’s a Handy Guide for using health insurance to cover therapy.
When to See a Therapist
How do you know that it’s time to see a therapist? Or, how do you know when it’s time to go BACK to a therapist?
On Mindfulness - What’s it all about?
The big thing in wellness nowadays is mindfulness and meditation. It’s a trend that is sticking around. Is it all it’s cracked up to be?
Anxiety Series: Part 5. Getting Some Relief!
… a compilation of exercises I have used in various ways with my clients. The idea is to interrupt the feedback loop or feelings of anxiety long enough to cool down …
Anxiety Series: Part 4. For those who have anxiety (of any kind)
The Broken Record can also be referred to as an anxious feedback loop since it generally feeds into itself and makes you feel stuck. This is how it works…
Anxiety Series: Part 1. Just What Is Anxiety, Anyway?
This is the first in a series of quick fire posts about Anxiety. Today we’re answering the question “Just what is anxiety, anyway?”
Anxiety Series: Part 3. A day in the life of an anxious mind.
Continuing the quick fire posts about Anxiety, we look at a day in the life of an anxious mind and how you can support a loved one with anxiety.
Anxiety Series: Part 2. Facts About Anxiety
Continuing the quick fire posts about Anxiety, let’s cover the different types of anxiety, including the most common and often misunderstood types.
How Do You Know When A Therapist Is Bad For You?
There are many exceptional therapists out there who do really improve the lives of their patients. But there are just as many who are not as skilled, and unfortunately, some who actually do more harm than good.
Anger: A Misunderstood Emotion
Our society has collective shame and denial around the experience of anger, but there’s good reason why we actually shouldn’t avoid it.